Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sam Claflin! Scared!

Oh, hey there! I know you guys are pretty busy dragging yourself around this hot, dry, desert abyss that is this MISERABLE MOCKINGJAY drought we are having, but CHEER UP! Summer is approaching and so is MJ marketing, but while you wait y'all should enjoy what Lionsgate is offering April 25th: The Quiet Ones. It stars the lovely Sam Claflin and........and.........YEA!

SAM CLAFLIN! HE'S SCARED! PROBABLY! That's really the only reason you need to go and see this movie. Horror is a genre that transcends awfulness, so it doesn't even matter if this film is good or not, you're gonna have an awesome time. Plus, Sam Claflin. I mean, do you have something better to do? Oh sorry, did I interrupt your mindlessly scrolling tumblr searching for MJ news? Just give up, man. It'll come out when it's ready. Oh, did I mention it stars The Claf?

CLICK HERE for the super creepy motion poster

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