Monday, November 5, 2012

Victory Tour 2013 Convention Update!

A post long overdue! Victory Tour 2013 has made some changes since we posted about it last time, so we wanted to make sure you guys were up to date! As of now, in addition to Hunger Games awesomeness at the convention, other young adult book series will also be present. Also, as announced on tonight's HG Fireside Chat, registration will be open tonight at MIDNIGHT!

Here's the recent update from the Victory Tour website:

Dearest fans,
Over the past few weeks, we have been dealing with some legal issues involving the convention. This has encouraged us to expand the convention to include some other fan favorites. This gives us the opportunity to include all of the events we have already announced plus add a layer to the convention that didn’t previously exist through other much loved novels and films.
We are hoping these additions give attendees the opportunity to explore some new books and fandoms, as well as contrast and compare their favorites with other fans. We look forward to bringing this convention to life and can’t wait to see you there!
Please be aware that this change may affect the registration date. Stay tuned for updates and changes! For a peek at the books we’re considering, see our new “The Books” section under “Programming”.
Thanks for your continued support and excitement!

Register HERE

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