Friday, September 20, 2013

#TickTock10 -- A Chance to Attend a Global Premiere!

#TickTock10 has been announced, and it is a chance to win global premiere tickets! The international premiere tour is as follows:

London, November 11th
Berlin, November 12th
Madrid, November 13th
Rome, November 14th
Paris, November 15th

To enter the contest just tweet #TickTock10 along with which premiere you want to attend:


The winner will be picked randomly from the entries in the winning city, so be sure to tweet like crazy! Participants will also earn the #TickTock10 badge and 100 bonus sparks. The contest ends October 11th. Lastly, If you don't live in the US or Canada, you're still in luck! Each country will be offering tickets to their premieres as well. Click below to enter each INTERNATIONAL CONTEST!